2008年4月14日 星期一

Below the surface of the ocean......

晚上看到重播的「非關男孩」(about a boy),真是一部好片。



裡頭有一段很打動我的場景。小男孩的媽,憂鬱症又發了,哭個不停,小男孩不知道自己可以幫上媽媽什麼忙,跑去找修葛蘭,修葛蘭在鬱足中,跟小男孩說" I'm nobody",這又不是他的問題,小男孩就這樣跑來攪亂他的生活。

小男孩本來還說" You could try",後來看到攤在沙發上那個沒用的修葛蘭,於是就說:

You're right.
You can't help me.
How could you?
You're a stupid person who watches TV all day...

...and buys things.

You don't give a shit about anybody, and nobody gives a shit about you!

小男孩於是離開,決定報名"Kids Rock"的表演。媽媽說他的歌聲像天使,他在想,或許他的歌聲可以讓媽媽開心,即便他在"Kids Rock"的演出,可能會使他在學校裡,變成大家的笑柄,但他還是想要為媽媽做點什麼。


My life is made up of units of time. Buying CDs: Two units.
Eating lunch: Three units.
Exercising: Two units.

All in all, I had a very full life.
It's just that it didn't mean anything.

Look who's coming round the bend

The fact was there was only one thing that meant something to me:
Marcus. He was the only thing that meant something to me.
And Fiona was the only thing that meant something to him.
And she was about to fall off the edge.

於是,修葛蘭跑去找小男孩的媽,"do something"!


在那個許多人「聚在一起」的聖誕夜,最後,引了Bon Jovi的話:

"No man is an island."

