The bridge swings over the stream "with ease and power." it does not just connect banks that are already there. The banks emerge as banks only as the bridge crosses the stream... The bridge gathers the earth as landscape around the stream. Thus it guides and attends the stream through the meadows... The bridge is a thing; it gathers the fourfold, but in such a way that it allows a site for the fourfold. By this sit are determinded the localities and ways by which a space is provided for.
3 則留言:
"現象學會讓你/妳再也不能以理所當然的方式過活,而這樣,以某種角度來說,是一種痛苦." 讀書讀太累無聊上來晃一下, 看到這段忍不住哈哈大笑. 老師你說的太好啦, 我最近就深陷痛苦之中....>"<
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